The Moon Represents My Heart
Documentary Film - 2021
Documentary Film - 2021
Documentary Film – 2020
Ficción 2020
Documentary Film – 2019
Fiction – 2018
Documentary Film – 2018
After being 10 years away from my mother, in 2011 I travel for the first time to Taiwan to visit her. I start shooting our reunion, realizing the possibility to start a movie. During the stay, I try to talk to her about the murder of my father, but I don’t succeed. On the last night, after a lot of rice wine, my mother and I sang “The moon represents my heart”, by Teresa Teng, a very popular and iconic Asia song. Eight years later, we travel back to Taiwan. Now, I shoot with an objective: to make a documentary film about our meetings and the dead of my father. As the weeks go by, I feel that she doesn’t have much more to tell so I start shooting deviations with a few short films connected to my experience on the island. Finally, I realize that I didn’t come to shoot my father’s story, but my mother’s: a strong woman.
DownloadThe granddaughter of Argentine lawyer and politician Juan Labaké makes subtle use of old and new home videos to shed light on the subordinate role of women in politics and society, in the context of the political rise of the 1990s.
How to make the invisible visible? In the first half hour of Dormant, we follow the rise of Argentine lawyer and politician Juan Gabriel Labaké, who backed Carlos Menem and his Peronist party in the 1990s. Home videos recorded by his wife show Labaké traveling, campaigning election and at home with his family.
Suddenly, we are thrown into the present (that is clear from the superior quality of the footage) and we see the real protagonists of the film for the first time. Now it is Labaké’s granddaughter, Natalia, who operates the camera and takes aim at the women of this family, especially her sister Agustina and her aunt Bibiana, who only appear in supporting roles in her grandmother’s 1990s home movies. “Bibi” spends her days in a nursing home, while Agustina, who suffers from anxiety, still lives at her parents’ house. Both try to shake off their lethargy.
Natalia Labaké artfully alternates between old and new images to show how the contempt for women that was inherent in past political visions still impacts women in contemporary Argentina.
Estefanía arrives at a campsite with her family to rest for the weekend. From the beginning it is perceived that things do not work well. Marcos is confined to his sailboat while Sara trusts that they will be able to spend more time together there. Estefanía takes advantage of the family crisis to escape the overprotective gaze of her parents.
DownloadTwo actors rehearse strange and complex texts. Identification with its characters crosses
a threshold of space and time: Leon Trotsky, in his Mexican exile, asks André Breton to
write the draft of a manifesto to organize revolutionary artists.
Tormented by the abyss of the blank page, Iván no longer distinguishes sleep from wakefulness. From his
unconscious encounters with a pianist, a filmmaker, a poet and a writer that vanish in the magma of the surreal.
Jotta, a young atheist, is disarming the house of his mother who died after a long cancer. In the story he evokes the struggle he had to wage in order to die with dignity in that house. Also his search for answers in religion, science and politics.
DownloadJo Ok Sim together with his family went around the world until arriving in Ushuaia in 1974, being the first Koreans to live there. The documentary proposes to reflect on the value of work and the identity of a Korean family that lived longer in Argentina than in their homeland.
DownloadJo Ok Sim together with her family goes around the world until arriving in Ushuaia in 1974, being the first Koreans to live there. The documentary proposes to reflect on the value of work and the identity of a Korean family that lived longer in Argentina than in their homeland.
DownloadJotta, un joven ateo, está desarmando la casa de su madre muerta tras un largo cáncer. En el racconto evoca la lucha que debió librar para que ella pudiera morir dignamente en esa casa. También su búsqueda de respuestas en la religión, la ciencia y la política.
DownloadCentauro es un western greco-criollo y wachi-político que transcurre entre las palmeras y las antenas digitales de la pampa aceitera. Cuando el gaucho malo invoca al fantasma de su hermano muerto, el drama de la representación se desata y la violencia –siempre instrumental– emerge bajo la forma de un rebenque-cuchillo que porta el hombre-caballo. El centauro, en definitiva, como el
gaucho, es un mito, pero un mito interrumpido que no cesa de perderse allá lejos y hace tiempo. Solo que esta historia tiene lugar acá cerca y hace poco.
A teacher of the School of Popular Music in Avellaneda, together with his students, is digitizing around 500 original handwritten arrangements that are kept from Aníbal “Pichuco” Troilo orchestra. Through interviews to musicians from different generations and styles, this documentary makes a musical tour through the work of one of the most fundamental characters in the history of Tango and Argentine music.